What are the requirements to apply for a verified badge on Instagram?
Authentic: Represent a real person, registered business or entity.
Unique: Represent the unique presence of the person or business. Only one account per person or business may be verified, with exceptions for language-specific accounts. Instagram don’t verify general interest accounts (e.g. @puppymemes).
Complete: Your account must be public and have a bio, profile photo and be active when you apply.
Notable: Your account must represent a well-known, highly searched for person, brand or entity. Instagram review accounts that are featured in multiple news sources, and Instagram don’t consider paid or sponsored media content as sources for review.
How to request a verified badge?
To request a verified badge:
Instagram app for Android and iPhone and Instagram Lite app for Android
Make sure that you’re logged in to the account you’re requesting a verified badge for.
Tap   or your profile picture in the bottom right to go to your profile.
Tap  in the top right, then tap  Settings.
Tap Account, then tap Request verification.
Enter your full name and provide the required form of identification (e.g. government-issued photo ID or official business documents).
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Bear in mind that:
Even if your account is eligible for verification, submitting a request doesn’t guarantee that your account will be verified.
Submitting multiple verified badge requests doesn’t guarantee that your account will be verified and applying for a verified badge multiple times before receiving a decision will cancel your application.
Once verified, you may not change the username on your account, and verification cannot be transferred to a different account.
Verifying your account on Instagram will not verify your account on Facebook.
If you receive a verified badge using false or misleading information during the verification process, Instagram will remove your verified badge and may take additional action to disable your account.
Please Note
Once Instagram reviewed your request, you’ll receive a notification in Activity up to 30 days after applying, letting you know whether your account has been verified or not. You can tap  in the top right to see notifications in Activity.
If your request is denied, you can submit a new request again in 30 days. Note that applying for a verified badge multiple times before receiving a decision will cancel your application.