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Artificial intelligence has been a part of the human consciousness for many years. This is due to the fact that many science fiction media like books, movies, graphic novels etc. have incorporated the essence of artificial intelligence ever since the inception of the genre.

For the people belonging to the past, this technology was something that seemed to exist far away into the deep future. The discussions of merits and dangers of creating something that has a functioning mind and consciousness of its own has preceded its actual inception. Religious groups have cried out protesting about the supposedly questionable morals and principles in “playing God” and the scare of these programmed minds overtaking the human civilization have long been a concern of many individuals.

But, now, elements of AI have gradually seeped into our everyday technology without majority of the users knowing about them. Mobile applications have changed the way humans operate and lead their lives. We use many or some of the applications on an almost daily basis. Some of these applications have become so important in our daily lives that, at the end of the day, we find ourselves opening our favorite applications more as a routine and less as a privilege.

From chat-bots to predictive analysis, leading companies and the best developers are looking for various methods to incorporate this technology in their products, services and everyday business practices. All of this is being done in order to improve the current state of technology that is being utilized in full force by the entire human population.

Both the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning are gradually changing the ways organizations and their clients’ model algorithms and intelligent communications. Mobile applications have dramatically undergone changes after the incorporation of AI within their systems. Most importantly, the mobile apps paired with the elements of artificial intelligence in order to perform tasks that would generally require human effort to finish.

Tasks include speech recognition and interaction, leadership, intelligent interpretation and the ability of visual perception akin to humans. AI has also been used in order to improve the navigation and searching ability through these applications. All in all, mobile apps have dramatically improved their functionality through integration of these resources and improving their ease-of-use.

This has, in turn, resulted in the creation of one universal interface through which almost all of the tasks that are required can be accomplished. These days, mobile applications that have incorporated artificial intelligence also have the ability to predict the user’s behavioral patterns and preferences. AI should have the ability to predict any user’s routines which are derived from the past activities.

Software giants like Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Facebook have already spend much of their resources and talent in order the remedy their problems and time consuming processes by incorporating various forms of AI technologies like chat-bots being efficient customer care representatives and also predictive analytics that have the ability to understand the user’s requirement and needs without the user requiring the need to intimate them to the application.

Artificial intelligence is generally regarded as the apex of human achievement, and it is expected to provide humans with real and tangible solutions to all of our problems. AIs have also been predicted to help marketers and salespeople make better decisions and help create a better business metric than the one that is already present.

Various up and coming engineers and software developers are looking forward to build more quick and intuitive apps that can help improve the browsing and searching experiences on the internet.

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